Wednesday, June 17, 2020

5 Things To Do When You Dont Get The Job

5 Things To Do When You Don’t Get The Job When you’re searching for a new job, its fair to say  that there are going to be knock-backs and, unless youre extremely lucky,  it’s not all going to be plain sailing. While you’re bound to get some ‘yess’, you’re also bound to get a few ‘nos’ along the way â€" and when the ‘nos’ come, you need to do your best to not to dwell on them and let your emotions rule you. That said; when you’ve had an interview for your dream job and you get the call to say its a no,  keeping your emotions in check is going to be pretty impossible and youre probably going to go on a bit of rollercoaster of emotions before you get to a place where you even want to think about what you need to do next. And guess what? Thats OK! Its good to get emotional because it means you care but after a while you have to leave those emotions behind and move on. When you do get to a point where youve got your emotions in check, there are five key things you need to do in order to move past this setback. 1. Get Honest Feedback: If you get a no, its important to try and find out why they decided to go with another candidate instead of yourself. Most companies should be able (and willing!) to give you some kind of feedback so its up to you to ask! When the company gives you feedback, dont be scared to push them for more detail if its a bit vague   remember, this feedback could affect your chances of getting another job in the future so you need to make sure you fully understand it and can learn from it. 2. Dont Be Bitter: Following on from the last point, if youve been rejected and then the company starts criticising you as a candidate when you ask for feedback, it can be really easy to get defensive and feel a bit better after all, they didnt give you the job but, again, you need to keep your feelings in check. The majority of the time, the company will have gone with someone else for professional reasons so you need to make sure you stay professional too. Why? Because theres a chance the candidate they chose wont  out and you could be their second choice so you need to be careful not to ruin your future chances 3. Ask For Your CV To Be Kept On File: If youre serious about the opportunity (which you probably are because youve spent the time attending an interview), theres nothing wrong with asking for your CV to be kept on file at the company for any future opportunities. This request demonstrates to the company that youre serious about working for them and, again, suggests youre not bitter about not getting the job this time around. 4. Review Your Interview Performance: In addition to listening to the companys feedback, its also a good idea to spend some time dissecting your interview performance and working out which areas you could improve on next time. OK, so you might not have got the job because another candidate had more experience but its highly likely that your interview was far from perfect so its important to assess any mistakes and learn from them in your next interview. 5. Stay In Touch: When you get turned down for a job, another way to show youre not bitter and you still want to work for the company is to stay in touch. Send a thank you note to thank the interviewer/s for their time and feedback (if you havent already!) and then  send them a LinkedIn request (personalised of course!) this is a great way to indicate you want to stay in touch and means youll be able to keep on top of any future vacancies which might come up. If you havent already, its also a good idea to follow the company across the different social networks and from time to time respond to comments and posts again, this can help you to keep up to date with any future vacancies and means youll stay on their radar and if its a small company youve interviewed with, word will soon get out that youre reaching out over social media and youre keen to interact. So there you go; five immediate things you should do when you dont get the job. Think Ive missed anything out? Leave me a comment below.

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